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What don’t adults “get” about youth?

We asked the youth who came to our programs to answer two questions for us. In today’s post you will find the answer to the question, “What don’t adults “get” about youth?” Check back next week for their answers to the question, “What do youth need from adults?” Below are the highlights of the responses collected from the youth.

  Jan 23, 2017   abbyyouth

Question: What don’t adults “get” about youth?

Youth Answers:

  • How important issues seem to young people when they are facing them because from their (the adults) perspective it looks insignificant.
  • The desire for young people to dream big and be idealists - what's wrong with thinking that the world can be a great place and that great things can come out of it?
  • A majority of adults don't understand that society in our generation is different than society in their generation which is why most youth's opinions clash with adult's opinions. In other words they don't understand that the way we operate now is different than the way they operated then.
  • We need space. They’re too clingy. We can take care of ourselves. We aren’t babies.
  • Personally I don't think that the adults in my life (aka Mom and Dad) realize that I have so much that I am doing and sometimes I need a break. It is hard to be held to such high standards all the time, whether that means me doing my chores late or something. I understand there are always deadlines, but I have SO many deadlines that sometimes it would be nice if they gave me a break at home. . . I don't think adults always understand how much youth deal with on a daily basis.
  • Adults don't "get" how at this stage in life we haven't yet experienced much on our own. When there is something that an adult would deem as not a big deal, it isn't the same for us. So far the majority of problems we face are superficial, but are important to us because we haven't discovered how meaningless they are yet.
  • When difficult situations arise we will not always choose the correct answer because we don't know what the solutions could be.
  • We need space but don’t need space all the time. It is just nice to not be nagged all the time.
  • Adults don’t get that we are mature too. We can listen to problems if you explain what’s going on.
  • They don’t get about youth is they need some time alone and love and support from them when they need it.
  • That we do sometimes understand – we’re not completely oblivious.
  • No matter what youth do they always want at least one person that will not judge them and will just help them with their problems. All kids just want is to be accepted and fit in.
  • How stressed our lives are. They can’t expect us to behave and act like them.
  • Adults don’t understand the bullying issue at most schools. And also the drug issue that happens at most schools.
  • That we are more respectful then they think.

Brought to you by the youth and staff at the Abbotsford Youth Commission –