The Character Project
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The Abbotsford Youth Commission is a proud champion of Character Abbotsford. Over the last several years we have delivered three separate year-long projects to encourage the attributes of service, integrity and courage in the youth with whom we work. Soon we will be launching our empathy project. Stay tuned to see how you can get involved in the planning and delivery of this exciting new project!
See below for highlights of our previous projects:
CIA – Courage in Action
July 2015 - June 2016
In June 2015 we moved into the third year of our Character Project taking on the attribute of ‘courage’. Our Youth Council provided the inspiration and direction for the CIA - Courage in Action project coming up with the activities and methods for engaging other youth.
The goal of the project was to encourage youth to explore what courage really looks like in their everyday lives. Throughout the year long project we engaged 436 youth over 42 sessions in activities such as:
- the ABC’s of Courage – an activity that outlined various scenarios with three (A, B or C) different levels of responses requiring courage
- a courage Jeopardy game
- creating courage videos and ‘news broadcasts’,
- sharing their thoughts on the ‘wall of courage’,
- encouraging courage in others through sidewalk chalk messaging
- courage catapults
The Integrity Project (TIPs)
Summer 2014 to June 2015

July 2014 to June 2015
Over the course of the year-long TIPs project youth explored the attribute of integrity and came up with their own answers to the question, “What does it mean to live with integrity?” The project engaged 419 youth over 42 sessions. Highlights from the program included:
- t-shirt that was designed as an ‘artifact’ representing the youth’s learning
- sidewalk chalk messaging campaign
- integrity Jenga game that was created by our staff and practicum students
- twitter campaign #theintegrityproject
- and interviewing adults in the community on what integrity means to them:
the five best quotes the youth received:- “Doing the right thing regardless if anyone is watching”
- “Being true to who you are and what you believe in”
- “The quality of being honest and fair”
- “Doing what is right, even though it may be difficult”
- “Standing by your word, and being honest to yourself”
Youth Engaged In Service
July 2013 to June 2014
The year-long YES - Youth Engaged in Service project wrapped up in June 2014 with more than 150 youth participating in 30 plus service projects. Over the course of the year youth:
- volunteered at the food bank
- raised money for local charities
- collected for and packed 15 boxes for Operation Christmas Child
- volunteered at numerous community events
- participated in several random acts of kindness events
- held a games night for the children and parents living at the Christine Lamb Residence
- planned and executed “Operation Encouragement” together with students from UFV
- more than 300 people were positively affected!
- participated in mini service projects aimed at the seniors who attend both MRC and ARC including giving flowers, cookies and kind notes
- hosted a free car wash
- and finally in June a free lemonade stand
By the end of the year youth who regularly attend our youth centres were spontaneously coming up with their own service projects and asking for help from the staff to carry them out! Through participation in the project youth have experienced the satisfaction of helping others and it is clear that they have connected with the value of service in such a way that it has become a part of who they are and a part of their culture and experience as they grow into adulthood.
YES in the Abbotsford News: