
(IN)volved is a program that connects youth in Abbotsford with volunteer opportunities in the community. (IN)volved is designed to communicate volunteer opportunities as well as connect organizations around Abbotsford with youth volunteers. This is an on-going program and all youth between the ages of 12 -18 are welcome to join.


For Youth

Opportunities & Benefits

  • Sign up for the Youth Volunteer Database
  • Be the first to hear about opportunites to volunteer at special events 
  • Volunteer with other youth and youth workers
  • Earn Volunteer Hours
  • Make connections in the community
  • Build your resume and gain work references
  • Gain employable skills


How to Join

Fill out this form and send it to info@abbyyouth.com

For Organizations


  • On-going connection with a database of youth who are interested in volunteering at a variety of events
  • Building connections with youth within Abbotsford
  • Efficient way to communicate upcoming events with youth volunteers

How to join:

Fill out this form and send it to info@abbyyouth.com