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Pink Shirt Day Rally Feb. 24th

Were you at our Pink Shirt Day rally on February 24th?

  Feb 26, 2016   triplei

Be a buddy… not a bully! Meanness is a sign of weakness! You are stronger than you think!

All slogans used by our youth at our massive Pink Shirt Day Bullying Awareness Rally! All AYC programs and events are guaranteed to be a bully free zone and we show our commitment to this at our yearly rally at the youth centre @ ARC. We had a fabulous speaker this year in high school student Janaya Hirsch, serving as inspiration to all in attendance. The over 60 participants felt fully motivated to take to the street with banners and pink shirts to take a stand against bullying, eliciting lots of support and honks from passersby!

That wasn’t where the fun ended, we came back to the youth centre for some socializing and a fun pizza party! Join us next year, it is sure to be a blast!

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